Inspection - Hood Suppression
Commercial hood and suppression systems are inspected by an inspector from the Fire Marshal's Office to ensure that it has been installed in accordance with approved plans and is functioning properly.
The following is a list of items that will be commercial hood plans:
General Requirements
The rooftop exhaust is at least 10' from property lines , discharges are at least 40" above the roof, and the fan housing outlet is at least 5' horizontally from any combustible structure.
Elevations of the building exterior have been provided when there is exterior ductwork.
The protection around the duct (or clearance) continues up through the roof assembly to 18" above the roofing material.
Wall exhaust termination is at least 10' from the outlet to adjacent buildings, property lines, grade level, combustible construction, electrical equipment or lines, and with the closest point of any air intake or operable door or window at or below the plane of the exhaust termination.
The exhaust is at least 10' from any air intake.
Exhaust ducts are steel-welded, liquid-tight and the ducts and their supports are minimum of 16-gauge carbon steel or minimum 18-gauge stainless steel.
Internal welding in exhaust ducts shall be formed or ground smooth and readily accessible for inspection. Internal flanges shall not be permitted.
Exterior portions of ductwork and supports are non-corrosive stainless steel/painted/weather-protection coating.
All ducts lead, as directly as practical, to the exterior of the building and horizontal ducts are substantially pitched back to the hood to drain and collect the grease.
Hood ducts are not combined with any other building ventilation or exhaust system.
Ducts for a solid fuel appliance hood are not combined with ducts for gas or other types of fuel.
Based on construction, the fire code requires minimum clearances from ductwork and associated equipment where there is no shaft.
IFC compliant wall from the floor to the hood is provided.
IFC required minimum clearance between the shaft and the duct.
When the clearance between the heat source and grease removal device is less than 18", protection such as a steel baffle plate will be provided in conformance with IFC.
Separation is provided between deep fat fryers and the surface flames from adjacent equipment as indicated in IFC.
Exhaust canopy shall be UL listed. If the canopy is not listed, provide proper documentation for determining compliance with IFC requirements.
Provide exhaust information as IFC required.
Provide make-up air supply information as IFC required.
The Fire Marshal's Office will do a light test before the extinguishing system is installed. Call for inspection.
A fusible link or heat detector shall be provided above each cooking appliance or group of appliances protected by a single nozzle.
Automatic detection and system actuation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's listed installation and maintenance manual. Indicate specific temperature rating of the fusible link or heat detector utilized.
At least one manual actuator (pull station) shall be located between 42" and 48" above the finished floor. The actuating device shall be a minimum of 10' and a maximum of 20'. from the kitchen exhaust system and be convenient and easily accessible at all times, including the time of fire.
An automatic means shall be provided to ensure the shutoff of all fuel and power sources to the protected appliances located under ventilating equipment protected by the extinguishing system, upon system actuation.
An alarm or indicator shall be provided to show that the system has operated and that the system is in need of a recharge. If a fire alarm system is provided for the building, the extinguishing system shall be connected in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code to the building system. The actuation of the extinguishing system will sound the fire alarm as well as provide the function of the extinguishing system.
Multiple systems protecting back-to-back or adjacent non-separated hoods shall be installed to endure the simultaneous operation of all systems protecting the hoods. Automatic protection shall be provided for all portions of a common exhaust duct.
A Class K extinguisher shall be provided in accordance with NFPA 10. The portable fire extinguisher shall be compatible with the extinguishing agent utilized for the system. Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed within 5' of each means of manual activation for the exhaust hood fire suppression system. A sign shall be affixed to the wall above the Class K fire extinguisher to say "In Case of Appliance Fire, Use This Extinguisher After Fixed Suppression System Has Been Activated".
The Fire Marshal's Office will do a test on the extinguishing system after it is installed. Call for inspection.