Inspection - Fire Alarm Acceptance Test
Fire Alarm Acceptance Testing is performed to ensure that the fire alarm has been installed in accordance with accepted fire alarm plans and is functioning properly.
The criteria for the acceptance test are as follows:
Submit a completed copy of NFPA 72 Record of Completion Form.
The FACP documentation box has county-approved plans and as-built record drawings and documents.
If the system is monitored verify that the dialer is functioning properly.
Ensure system is online and not in test mode.
Verify all components are in conditioned spaces.
FACP, remote annunciator, and NAC expanders have a maximum height of 6' and are readily accessible.
Verify carrier phone service.
Verify proper phone jacks are installed (RJ 31x) and not installed inside the FACP.
Verify proper phone number is labeled on each jack.
Verify the FACP and all appliances are UL listed for the intended use.
Verify monitoring company is UL listed and contact phone number is on the outside front cover of the panel.
Prime contractor's contact phone number is to be on the outside front cover of the FACP.
Label the a/c (alternating current) feed on the outside front cover of the FACP.
Panel: ______ Circuit Breaker #: ______
Ensure a/c feed has an approved breaker lockout.
Ensure a/c circuit breaker is labeled in red.
Verify smoke detector protection is within 15' of the FACP and any remote power supplies.
FACP is in normal condition.
All panel indicator lamps are functioning properly. (Audible and visual for troubles and supervisory functions)
Remote annunciators, if provided, are to be within 15' of the fire department access and interfaced with FACP. Maximum height of 60".
Verify that disconnection of both telco lines sends a trouble signal to FACP or dialer within 4 minutes. The audible and visual signals are required at the FACP.
Batteries are to be dated.
Reconnect batteries and then turn off 120vac. Batteries should measure approximately 13v and differ no more than 0.4v.
Assure a trouble signal for a/c loss is received at the FACP within 200 seconds.
While on battery power, initiate the alarm. Batteries should remain at 12v each, but slowly dropping.
Verify the NAC circuit EOL voltage drop is no less than 3v. (This will verify that the batteries are not overloaded).
EOL on all circuits to be labeled at all devices (initiating and notification).
Label all devices with address or circuit number.
Reconnect a/c power and have a ground fault initiated on any appliance circuit. The FACP shall receive a trouble alarm in 200 seconds. (Also test any a/c panels for ground fault verification)
Verify that the wire type and the gauge was followed. (Compare the wire in FACP and EOL to approved plans)
All wiring has markers where they connect in the FACP and terminal.
There shall be no splices in the system other than at terminal blocks and in junction boxes. Wire nuts and butt splices are not permitted.